Why practice in nature?

Nature heals. Getting out in nature, staring at trees, fields, mountains, greenery, flowers, birds and other wildlife can have a calming effect alone, but coming to your breath and meditating or adding movement (asanas) even enhances the experience further. When we can remove ourselves from our tech devices, our indoor surrounding and separate ourselves, for a bit, and use all of our senses in nature, it can have a cumulative effect on creating that peaceful experience.

People that suffer from mild to moderate depression and anxiety can help their symptoms by getting out in nature, surrounding themselves with others and moving their bodies. That is why I teach yoga in nature, vinyasa flow, to all levels focusing on the connection to the environment and feeling the connection to one another. Even during the pandemic, it has proven an oasis for many to come together, socially distanced, and to practice with one another to curb those feeling of isolation. We even practice throughout the winter months, outdoors in nature, here in NC as those that find themselves challenged by SAD (seasonal affective disorder) are able to find relief. You can also connect directly with the earth, on or even moreso off your yoga mat, grounding down.

Pranayama, asana, and nature… What are you waiting for?